This film explores the mob lives of three key figures in 1960s and 70s New York. Henry Hill, a local boy turned gangster, navigates a neighborhood filled with the roughest and toughest. Tommy DeVito, a purebred gangster, becomes Henry's best friend. Jimmy Conway, the mastermind, brings the two together and orchestrates some of the biggest hijacks and burglaries the town has ever seen. After serving an extended jail sentence, Henry must secretly defy local mob boss Paulie Cicero to achieve the luxurious life he's always dreamed of. In the end, the friends find themselves in a dire situation, having to do whatever it takes to save each other and stay alive. As their criminal exploits escalate, the pressure mounts, leading to a gripping conclusion where loyalty and survival are put to the ultimate test. Their intertwined fates showcase the dangerous allure and inevitable downfall of life in the mob.
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